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Why maXum Therapy

Physical Therapy is recommended for

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Torticollis, Gross Motor Developmental Delay, Toe walking, Congenital Disorders/Abnormalities and Sensory Processing Disorders.

Speech Therapy is recommended for

Post stroke recovery, stuttering, language disorders, hearing disorders, vestibular dysfunction, voice disorders, fluency disorders, dysphagia, dysarthria, apraxia, Autism, Parkinson’s, oral motor feeding disorders, swallowing disorders and public speaking.

Occupational Therapy is recommended for

Fine Motor Developmental Delay, Sensory Processing Disorders, and Autism.

I'm Convinced...What's Next?

By completing the attached forms beforehand, not only will your first office visit will be more relaxed, but your wait will be shorter. Alternatively, we can provide you these forms on the day of your evaluation as well.